Friday, May 15, 2009

Snippet: Life without a friend

"I knew it the moment I laid eyes on her when she came stumbling out of the Crypt in Crossroad Keep. Something scary, but wonderful, was happening and even though I wanted her to stay with us until death claimed me, I knew in my heart that there was a wonderful destiny awaiting her and she couldn't give it up for a mere dwarf. We gathered at her call, even the funny looking guy that claimed he was a dreamwalker, and we set off on a wonderful adventure; that time with her was some of the most wonderful traveling that we ever did. To see her ascend like that, after seeing her take on a great weight that would have killed a lesser mortal, is the only thing that keeps me going some mornings."

Khelgar Ironfist's "Memories of Friends Lost", stored at Candlekeep.


Lagnus said...

Where does this story come from? Fan fiction? - ebear

Michelle said...

More or less; I might finish the story after I complete the campaign.

Frako said...

do you have any idea when youl have the mod finished cause id love to play it